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Expert introduction

Professor Yao Zhongjun, Chief Physician

资料来源:      发布者:chen     浏览量:

Director of hand and foot micro orthopaedics, discipline leader, national youth member of the Society of Microsurgery of the Chinese Medical Association, member of Hubei Society of Plastic Surgery, member of Hubei Society of Hand Microsurgery. Famous experts in orthopedic trauma, hand microsurgery, and plastic burn surgery in Hubei Province. We have rich clinical experience in the diagnosis and treatment of bone and joint injuries, hand and foot injuries, vascular and nerve injuries, complex traumatic burns, and various congenital deformities. Especially skilled in microsurgical replantation of severed fingers (limbs) and toe transplantation for finger reconstruction. Outstanding achievements have been made in the repair of complex traumatic fractures, bone defects, bone non union, bone necrosis, and bone exposure, as well as various flap and composite tissue flap transplantation for organ reconstruction. Multiple scientific research achievements have been awarded the Provincial Government Science and Technology Progress Award.

Outpatient hours for experts in the general hospital: Monday all day, Thursday morning

Outpatient time of renowned doctor: Thursday morning

Expert outpatient service time in Wudang Mountain Hospital: Wednesday, all day
